What do I do if I need help?
Well, it depends on what kind of help.
If you are at the airport: The best folks to talk to, is the airlines at their service desks.
If it is before your trip, or you want to make a voluntary change: We can help via our change tools in your account (you can change flights via your itinerary page) or you can email us at travel@airtreks.com.
If you miss a flight, encounter a delay, or you need to make a last-minute change to your tickets, the best resource to get your trip back on track is the airline staff at the airport.
They can check to see what is available and re-book you if required.
You can find a comprehensive list of international and domestic airline phone numbers and by going to the following site: AirlineContact.info
If you have an emergency and you’ve purchased travel insurance, review your policy and contact the insurance company directly.
Do not skip any flights. Flights need to be used in the order they are issued. You cannot miss or skip a flight. If you miss or skip one of your flights, the airlines will automatically cancel all of your subsequent flights. Please inquire with the airlines or with us if you need to miss, skip, or cancel the flights you have booked once tickets have been issued.
More Resources
International Air Transport Association (IATA)
World Health Organisation
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
United Nations World Tourism Organisation